Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where Are You?

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14

It is impossible for the unregenerate man to understand the things of the Spirit of Christ. He cannot because he has not. He has not tasted the mysteries of God's heavenly kingdom...of which are invisible...of which are not of this world...of which we have tasted and have been made stewards of...guardians. We carry about in our hearts the secret knowledge that has been hidden from man through the ages and revealed only to us, the saints. The reservoir of living water, the mystical road to the great heavenly city, Jerusalem, the invisible highways that lead to an invisible land, the ever-increasing majestic breath that fills our lungs, and the unrelenting living hope that we will appear with him in glory, a glory that's just almost visible if only a bit...is foreign to those that are lost and living within a death. There is no bridge to cross over to them, no language that can connect with them and no understanding contained within their hearts, apart from a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit of God. In modern terms...they haven't a clue.

This is what drives me continually night and day almost with holy ferocity to intercede and groan and yearn with all of creation to see these desperate souls who know nothing of what they have not and are blinded, be delivered. The god of this world, the evil one, the prince of the power of the air has blinded the minds of the unbeliever so they may not see the light of the glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is why I absolutely cannot understand why every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, every follower with any intention of seriousness in their walk are not literally breathing every breath, may your kingdom come, your will be done...awaken the hearts of those that are lost and dying! Remove the scales from their eyes. Soften their hearts and enlighten their minds with the light of the saving knowledge of Christ, the gospel of his kingdom, the glory of his cross.

When I walked the streets of Austin, TX twenty years ago, I was walking dead. The cords of death did truly wrap around me. God truly rescued me because he delighted in me. I believe if it were not for the prayers of the saints I would have died and entered an eternity of darkness and horror. I could not see. I absolutely could not see. God penetrated the darkness and by His Spirit entered my world, delivered me from the domain of darkness and by the blood of His son, Jesus Christ, translated me into the kingdom of light.

They do not know. They cannot see. They only taste of this world, this realm. Will you pray for their release from bondage? The last few days I have been at a company meeting out of state. We were given a lot free time. The revelry was rampant as you can imagine. I spent my time reading about the revivals and awakenings of the past. I spent my time hidden in prayer and intercession, pleading with God to show me what else I can do, what else I can pray to see revival, to see another great awakening...praying that not one more soul in danger of losing him forever would be lost. I don't know what else to do. I don't know what else to do but awaken in intercession and fall asleep in intercession.

Many, if not all, revivals and awakenings of the past began with mighty prayer revivals of small groups of people. I would like to know who are the folks nowadays yearning for a move of God so much so that they would give themselves not only to personal prayer but unrelenting, continual meeting in corporate prayer...prayer to see the mighty rushing wind of God's Holy Spirit come in great power for the sake of His glory and for the sake of the lost sheep of Israel? Where are the saints in this day, in this hour sacrificing everything to see the lost saved and the church be glorified...glorify your bride oh Lord. I want to know who are the watchmen on the wall? I want to know who the people are that live night and day with the secret companion of intercession. Who are the saints that secretly long with God's heart to see his will and purpose accomplished in the earth?

As I fly back from my meeting, hovering above the clouds, looking down on the city of Dallas, I can almost see them. I can almost see rows and rows and rows of warring angels, chariots of fire, and holy cannons loaded and ready to surge through the city, held back by only one thing...the lack of a praying church...the absence of the smoke of the incense of the saints' intercession. Your words will release them. Your knees will empower them. Your travail will drive them. Will you join them?

The book of Job says the intercessor is God's friend. Is there any nearer, dearer place to the heart of God than the secret chamber of prayer?

Where are you?

1 comment:

  1. Sean, My brother, kindred spirit. I love your heart. Never change. Thank you for loving God so ferociously. And, my entire family. We are so blessed by your friendship.
