Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eternal Awards Banquet

"Surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses."

As I watched them, one by one, go up for their awards at my company meeting, I couldn't help but wonder what it will be like at the wedding feast of the Lamb. It was the "ole timers" they were honoring. Doctors and consultants who had worked hard and made extreme advancements for fracture care and orthopedic product design.  They had helped heal and possibly save the lives of 1,000's of hurting and broken people. As each veteran went up to the stage to be honored, slides and videos were shown of the person's life, family, accomplishments, and special awards earned along the way.

Will it, in some similar way, be like this as we sit down with the King? As we begin to feast and worship and honor our Lord, will he stop us at some point and say something like, "now we have a few matters to take care of...a little "business" to attend to...then we'll get back to dinner."

One by one, Jesus calls up each of his children...his warriors...princes...
princesses...veterans...co-laborers that prayed (I mean really prayed), those that preached, fed the hungry, clothed the naked, gave money, built houses, listened to heartaches, checked on widows, loved on orphans, took care of elderly, embraced the lonely, and those that did whatever they could for the despised and dejected....the outcast.

"Whatsoever you do for the least of these...."

One by one he calls each one of us up and as we come, a great video (state of the art of course) begins a "documentary" of the life we lived and the lives we affected. The documentary shows the hurting and broken people we might not have helped with orthopedic implants but with "holy implants" imparted with our hands, our feet, and our hearts through the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

You are there. You have made it! Jesus calls the next person up and you see yourself in his video as someone he helped...funny...you don't recognize him...then the video plays on and suddenly you recognize the scenario...you didn't know that he did that!...that's how that bill got paid!..that's why my family wasn't evicted!....you didn't even know him...you weep...with joy and appreciation...you honor him with a standing ovation...much like the many standing ovations that took place at my company meeting that night.

  “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done." Revelation 22:12

Some of the doctors and consultants had long lists of accomplishments behind their names. They had worked really hard. They were very highly decorated and very well respected and honored. This made me wonder if the heavenly awards banquet will share this likeness. Will some people take a lot longer to honor? Will some receive more awards, more handshakes, more HUGS from people they helped?

Some of the doctors were about to undertake new assignments and take on greater responsibilities. Promotions were announced for consultants. This, of course, made me wonder if there will be a time like this when we will receive our heavenly assignments...our special name, rank, and serial number, if you will...Our new clothing, armor, vestments, stripes, tools, musical instruments, etc.

"To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it." Revelation 2:17

I love all the scriptures like pressing on toward the mark, running the race like a marathon, fighting the good fight, and men of force laying hold of the kingdom. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses and while much of what we do for his glory, we think, is in secret...it isn't really at all. We are, indeed, in an arena and thousands, if not millions, are cheering us on. And while we try to humbly say the rewards shouldn't matter or "another jewel in our crown" shouldn't cause us to do what we do; it actually should. It's what they represent! I want lots of stripes! I want lots of medals! I want lots of vestments! Because they will represent, HOPEFULLY, all the times I brought my precious Lord honor and glory. They will represent how much MY FATHER was pleased with me. They will represent, hopefully, someone I was granted the honor of helping in some way....even if it was little. Not only that...I want all my friends to receive tons of medals. They loved greatly for Jesus and did great things in his name and I want to give them a standing ovation, shake their hands and hug them for loving me in his name!

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinth 4:17

I haven't made any great advancements or accomplishments like these doctors and my fellow consultants have. My name is not on "the list" as one of the great ones. I don't have a great title in my company and probably never will...but I am extremely proud of one thing....I will let the Word of God tell you what that one thing is...

"I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death" Philippians 3:8


  1. This echos my sentiments completely. If we were just together talking, we would be shouting about now. Rejoice, Rejoice, for the privilege of serving in His name and for His glory!!
    Aunt Jenn

  2. Sean, you rock! You are so spot on accurate. Although I admit that I wasn't thinking the exact same things you were, I share that general feeling of wanting to have accomplished something great by the end of my days. I know that He is the answer. I know that through my work I should (and can) serve my customers (physicians/staff/patients), but I agree that it extends far beyond that environment. I too would like to step out on that limb of faith and go for it! The challenges in this life are earthly, and I want to keep better focus on Him.
