Friday, October 29, 2010

Watchmen On The Wall

"I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest,"  Isaiah 62:6

I can hear the cadence...the drum's almost forces breath into me...exploding in me...kingdom coming...kingdom's's very soon...cries of intercession...thru the night...keeping watch through the night...gripping the altar...unceasing...knees falls...warring hosts advancing...trumpets blasting...hosts of wickedness a mist his Spirit descending...weaving in and out and through the streets, the homes, the factories, the offices, the farmhouses, skyscrapers, restaurants, drug addicts, prostitutes, clerks, CEO’s, farmers and firemen...and those that reject him...and those that reject him...and those that reject him...and those that reject him...would he still move if we didn't pray?

There's only one army that advances on its secret...where there is no tangible battlefield and no stage for generals...and no plunder for the victor. The watchmen on the wall.  Those that allow no sleep to come until they have completed the King's orders. Those awakened in a moment to move and breathe as the Holy Spirit navigates them through cities, towns, and homes. Their hearts beat with his...their cries pierce the heavenlies...ascending the throne like incense...their ears attuned to his whispers...gentle...intoxicating...commanding. They have only one yearning...that the breath of intercession would fill their souls and the heart of God would be made known to the nations...that scales would fall...that eyes would be opened, hearts softened, and minds know the true saving knowledge of God through Jesus Christ, his son, our Savior. That the church would breed true lovers of God...and worship him in Spirit and in truth.

Watchmen live their lives awaiting the next call to arms...contemplating the next battle, the next move, the next charge, the next flank...there's only one kind of person who spends his day searching for a new angle to to be more effective, how to thwart the enemy, how to advance his kingdom, his church. The watchmen is truly God's friend. There is no limelight, no praise, no pats on the back, no glory....sometimes even little or no evidence of his labors...only evidence of need...for so much more...for so very much more....need.

But he keeps God's work alive...he's granted that honor, “work prepared in advance" for him to accomplish through his Lord, Jesus Christ...and it's his need for reward or recognition...for that comes from the throne...and he knows it...the Father's good pleasure wells up deep in his spirit and he is full...he wrestles with revelation...and he is astonished.  He shares in a heavenly delight that few know...that few care to labor to know. He lives in the Word and finds his heritage, his lineage, his heroes, his teachers, his trainers, his mentors.

His chamber is sacred...holy ground...wet with cries for God's people and wet with the dew of heaven...

His sin?...despicable...ever before him...tempting him...taunting him...and at times...seizing what does this mighty, valiant warrior do?...knees...altar...prayer....his ever-increasing awareness of his own sin causes his burden and his love for his brothers and sisters in Christ to ascend  new heights and new depths.

"sin is ever crouching at your door, you must learn to master it"

"together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ"

Deliver us oh Lord, deliver us...this is the watchmen's unceasing prayer....deliver us oh lord, deliver us...

"deliver us oh lord, from every sinful and inordinate affection and from the sin that so easily entangles thine agony and bloody thy cross and passion, by thy resurrection and ascension...deliver us" Book Of Common Prayer

"God's purposes and the Church's praying are the combination of all potent and omnipotent forces" E.M. Bounds

The watchmen knows he stands at the door of eternity...and it is his unceasing, spirit-filled, Word-centered praying that unites the purposes of heaven and the hope of God's created. He is captivated with the weightiness of his God-given responsibility.

As he makes his way through his city where he lives...the divine beckoning never ceases...the highways lead him, entangle him, and wrap his heart around the buildings, the businesses, and the homes that scream with agony of those still lost and hurting and dying...and he stands in the gap...with joy and passion...knowing God is moving...mightily! He knows because he can see it...because he asked to see it...he prays not for riches but only for his Father's heart...and for the souls of unregenerate men.

“all creation groans”

The watchmen's personal struggles are also great. He is no stranger to the sufferings of his fellow man, but he knows that somehow the sufferings of this life, united with his striving after holiness, and united with his ceaseless intercession and worship is bringing about the righteousness of God in Christ…and his efforts are not futile for others either. He is an intercessor…every action matters…every growth spurt counts…has “corporate” effect on God’s beloved.

Make me your watchman oh Lord; share with me the secrets of heaven, the yearnings of your heart. May your heart beat like a cadence in mine. May your heart beat like a cadence in your people. Help us to hear the mighty drums that lead the charge of your advancing Kingdom…and may the unquenchable fire of God burn in our hearts…

“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” Matthew 11:12


  1. Look, watch, listen, SEEK.....and you WILL FIND....opportunities. Pray for the kingdom...and hold tight. We're on our way!!
    Aunt Jenn

  2. Thank you, Sean. I hear your heart cry!
