Friday, November 26, 2010

Infinite Elixir

"Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound"   Romans 5:20

Take a deep breath.

How did that feel?

That's grace...

Where there's sin, where there's stress, where there's failure, where there's heartache, where there's fear, where there's disappointment, where there's guilt...Waiting for YOU with a smile a mile wide is GRACE.

It's like a mist, infinite elixir for the soul....for the urgent in need.  It never runs out.

Grace says you can take a deep are allowed to relax...recuperate...perfection is NOT required. In fact, grace says you can screw the whole thing up and it’s okay.  You get to try again.  You’re still loved, and you’re still adored by the Holy One, Jesus, the Christ.  Fall into the arms of grace and let it rescue you.


I'm fascinated by her effortless charm and the beauty of her movement.  I'm captivated by the power of her electricity and the readiness of her sanctification.  She is God's perfect gift to man, and she is the sister of Calvary, the virtue of the incarnation.  She is....dunamis, the power of God, and I am overjoyed at the thought of her!

I had only known Carol a few weeks when I had wrecked my car.  It was only a couple of years old and I had bought it brand new.  I had very little money, a terrible job, and a high deductible.  I was visiting with Earl, now my father-in-law, and he said, “Sean, we can fix it".  I was shocked.  In the first place, I didn't think we could fix an almost brand new car, and in the second place I couldn't believe he was offering to help!  He barely knew me! And he had nothing to gain.

We proceeded to fix it.  We gathered parts, tore the thing apart, and got as far as we could with it.  When we couldn't get any farther, he went behind my back and paid a professional to finish the job!  Did I mention he barely knew me?  He had nothing to gain! He just wanted to help someone who desperately needed help.

This is grace!  Divine assistance....for someone who desperately is in need of help.  No, I'm not saying Earl is God, but it sure seems like God was working through him.

I don't have to fly that much for work so I'm still a bit of a kid when I get to the airport.  I love taking off.  The power still amazes me.  It's always as though I've never flown before. When the wheels leave the ground, I marvel at what man has accomplished and it's at this point I'm reminded of grace.  Immense power can drive that plane at great speeds but it takes lift, it takes wings to get it in the air.  Great strength and determination can drive a man to great heights but it takes grace, whether you believe it or not, to accomplish the impossible.

Divine assistance!  I love the story in 2 Kings when a great army surrounded the city of Dothan...where Elisha was.  Elisha was not worried, and when he prayed for the servant's eyes to be opened, the servant was no longer concerned either.  He saw the hills full of the horses and chariots of fire from the Lord!

Can you see the horses and chariots of fire on the hillside overlooking your life, ready to come to your assistance at any given moment?  Do you realize the forces of heaven have their eyes set on you?  You are a child of the King; bought with His have His ring!  "All power pertaining to life and Godliness has been given to you!”

It's like we are the most spoiled kids on the block except for one thing...we don't know it! Or we don't believe it.  We don't believe the horses and chariots are there.  We don't believe the grace, the presence; the power of God awaits our asking, every moment, every second.  We don't know or believe His holy fire is there, and He longs for us to long for it...for Him.

Drink it in!  Drink deep!  Drink the elixir of God!  Dive into the wellspring of life!
Cry out for grace every second of the day!  You can never ask for it too much.  You can never ask God too live in the fire of His love and the virtue of His incarnation.

Father, my God, my King, my Lord, I need grace.  I need your divine assistance.  I need the breath, the fire of your love to breathe into me this moment...every moment.  I need grace.  I want to wrap my arms around grace and I need grace to wrap its arms around me!  I give up!  I can't live without the fire of God and I don't want to.  God please give me grace and teach me to walk in its wonderful, life-giving power!

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