When I was 9 years old, my brother and I decided to spend the summer "can collecting". This was going to be our attempt to strike it rich and have plenty of money for whatever toys, army gear, weapons, or sports equipment we would ever need. Each day we would load up our wagon with daily supplies, i.e. food, drinks and tools for collecting. It was the most exciting thing we had ever done! We couldn't wait until the next morning to continue our adventure of a lifetime!
All sorts of things happened as we hunted for our monetary means, each day. I remember we would travel into "unknown lands", ya know, the apartment complex behind our neighborhood. There was this kid that I guess lived there. He would always seem to meet up with us. He had to have been a part of some foreign culture or unknown origin from some mysterious world because he would always greet us by yelling "hey whites over here, over here whites"...and he would accompany us on our many journeys. Never could figure out why he called us that.
By the end of the summer, we made $3.65!!! For some reason I still remember that exact amount. We were baffled that we hadn't struck it rich...but we didn't care...it turned out to be a great summer...we had experienced an amazing adventure....it's like that particular summer was somehow...sacred.
Occasionally, we will make a trek to Mayesville Cemetary down by Paul’s Valley, Oklahoma. It's where Carol's "Grammy" Jane Carnes and her son Buster are buried. It's always like a holy pilgrimage. Her Grammy was a passionate follower of Jesus and it was Grammy that raised Carol up in the faith and taught her the things of God. Jane Carnes' husband was a fiery Baptist preacher. We consider the ground "hallowed" and it was a holy moment when we buried Carol's mom there.
Occasionally, we will make a trek to Mayesville Cemetary down by Paul’s Valley, Oklahoma. It's where Carol's "Grammy" Jane Carnes and her son Buster are buried. It's always like a holy pilgrimage. Her Grammy was a passionate follower of Jesus and it was Grammy that raised Carol up in the faith and taught her the things of God. Jane Carnes' husband was a fiery Baptist preacher. We consider the ground "hallowed" and it was a holy moment when we buried Carol's mom there.
The ground is holy because it was drenched with tears from when Jane Carnes buried her 9 year old son, Buster, July 8, 1931...daily she returned with Carol's mother in arms, to mourn the loss of her son. When we visit, we point out their graves to our children, tell the story of what happened, and point out the tree where Carol's mom played as a little girl while Grammy...wept and mourned. It's always been a little extra special to Carol and me because July 8 is also my birthday. It's like the place is...sacred.
I don't know what I would do if I were not able to recognize "sacred signposts" throughout my life. At times I feed off of moments in my past where I now can recognize where God's hand was moving....in the wonderful times...and the horrible times. I can even look back at the worst experience of my life, that I recently wrote about, and see many specific instances where he moved majestically...and though I hated what happened, I will always cherish how he moved and how we walked through it together...because of that I can say with all humility...I know him...I have seen him...and he is good....follow him.
I don't know what I would do if I were not able to recognize "sacred signposts" throughout my life. At times I feed off of moments in my past where I now can recognize where God's hand was moving....in the wonderful times...and the horrible times. I can even look back at the worst experience of my life, that I recently wrote about, and see many specific instances where he moved majestically...and though I hated what happened, I will always cherish how he moved and how we walked through it together...because of that I can say with all humility...I know him...I have seen him...and he is good....follow him.
These sacred moments enable me now to reach into my present trial, struggle, or circumstance and "lay hold of that for which Christ has laid hold of me". They have taught me and continue to teach me the mystery of dwelling in him, pressing in, and "pressing on towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus". They have taught me to reach into the moment and with a sword in hand, slay the dragons, the enemies of my soul and lift up my eyes to him!....and worship!!!!
When I first came to the Lord, I had a pastor who would always tell us that we needed to develop a personal history with God. Being an "infant" I always thought, what the heck is he talking about? Now I know. Now I have a rich past to draw from and to help me more easily realize and recognize the sacred moments in the present....and to discover that EVERY moment is sacred, holy, divine in Jesus Christ....to recognize that "ALL THINGS work together for the good for those who are called according to his purpose" and "he is working ALL things in conformity to his purpose in will".
When I first came to the Lord, I had a pastor who would always tell us that we needed to develop a personal history with God. Being an "infant" I always thought, what the heck is he talking about? Now I know. Now I have a rich past to draw from and to help me more easily realize and recognize the sacred moments in the present....and to discover that EVERY moment is sacred, holy, divine in Jesus Christ....to recognize that "ALL THINGS work together for the good for those who are called according to his purpose" and "he is working ALL things in conformity to his purpose in will".
I have learned from these sacred signposts that no matter what chaos is happening around us, we can shout! We have a voice! "Offer up a sacrifice of praise, THE FRUIT OF YOUR LIPS". In every moment "offer your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God". Oh and you know that scripture, "pray without ceasing". I used to think, impossible!! No way!! Now I have found there is no other way to live...every second is holy, sacred....every second is a prayer.
“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me” 1 Corinthians 13:11
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