Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Mystery Of Gratitude

"Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping." Matthew 8:23-24

Do you ever feel like God is asleep? That was not the first time those fisherman had been on that lake.  If there was any sign of a furious storm coming they would have made other plans.  Well, maybe.  It does say, plain and simple, "they followed him".  It came without warning.  The skies were blue.  It was a beautiful day. It was peaceful that the Son of God fell asleep.

This must have been some storm.  These seasoned fisherman didn't know what to do...they panicked.  I wonder if they thought they had made a huge mistake.  I wonder if they thought this guy must be some kind of charlatan.  He had done some "miracles" but there was all that strange talk... You know?  The Son of God stuff?  I mean, there's no way this would be happening if he were really the Son of God!

Jesus rebuked them when they came and woke him up.  He told them they had such little faith.  And then he did the unthinkable...he calmed the elements!  He had authority over the most powerful force known to man...nature!  This was insurmountable!  He really could do anything!  He really was...God!

Well, at least they ran to him.  In fact, I don't mind Jesus rebuking me for having such little long as I can keep running to Him!  And honestly, I'm learning not to mind the sudden, unexpected, furious storms so much, anymore, because it is there I find myself IN AWE of his display of power over the elements!  I wonder if some day in the midst of a furious storm I will find him asleep...and instead of panicking, I will lay down right beside him...and fall asleep.  Isn't that what Paul meant when he said he learned to be content in all things?

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life" Melody Beattie

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  The word of God says to give thanks in everything...everything…ALL THINGS...not so easy to do...not so easy to do in the furious storm...I mean the really furious storms...How did Paul do it?...he saw the really bad stuff...he went through the really bad stuff. He had one of those boat experiences in the book of Acts!  How did he find victory over the elements?

Hidden in gratitude is a mysterious power. When I give thanks in whatever the situation, a transforming presence captivates my heart and removes blinding scales, enabling me to behold the treasure before me...that is laying right in front of me!  "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life" and enables me to look up and SCOFF at the waves and the breakers raging over me.  It is Christ, MY LORD, who lives in me, and he controls the elements and HE is the one that gives and gives and gives…the fullness of life.  And I am full!  I want to scream it at the waves...I AM FULL!... and because I am full...full of Christ...full of His life...YOU CAN NEVER DROWN ME!

Gratitude dissolves the mundane and thrusts us into the divine.  It delivers us from temporal thinking and reminds us that we are here for only a short time and eternity awaits us…Jesus awaits us…eternal awards await us!  Thankfulness paralyzes any thought of random chaos, uncontrollable destiny, purposeless suffering.  It takes our worst situation, our deepest struggle and exposes the evil and unfolds divine wisdom…eternal perspective.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life and causes life to burst and flow and spill out of our hearts and lives. Mysterious power, mysterious peace, mysterious joy consumes the man, the woman of thankfulness.  God loves a cheerful giver and gives cheer to the person who lives to thank Him.  It buries the mountain!  It demolishes worry and fear!  It ignites fire in the armies of God and paralyzes the enemies of God!  March forward!  Lay hold of your pilgrimage, your sojourn, your journey...with gratitude, with UNENDING thanksgiving. Begin to experience the power and perspective of your God...instead of your flesh...through the mystery of Thanksgiving!  

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus"  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

1 comment:

  1. Buries the mountain! Demolishes worry and fear! Yes! Yes! And, some more Yes!!
    My cup is full of gratitude! Brimming tonight in the goodness of restoration.
    It is a pleasure to "march" with you, my brother!
